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CLASS ZWT.CellPanel EXTENDS ZWT.Panel @public



A panel that has its children in the cells of a table.

NEW() @public  Create an empty CellPanel.
$detach() @public  Detach the contents from Panel. Allows for faster updates.
$attach() @public  Re-attach the contents to Panel. Only to be called after $detach().
$addItemStyle(item, style) @public  Set the style for the item in the Panel.
$removeItemStyle(item, style) @public  Remove a style from an item in the Panel.
Inherited from ZWT.Panel:
list<ZWT.Widget>  $items @public  The widgets inside this panel.
int  $highlighted @protected 
$add(widget) @public  Add widget to end of the Panel.
$add(widget, style) @public  Add widget to end of the panel and set the style.
$addItem(widget) @public  Add widget to the list of widgets without adding it to the Panel.
$insert(widget) @public  Insert widget at the start of the panel.
$insert(widget, index) @public  Insert widget before position index. When using zero it will appear before the widgets already present.
$insertItem(widget, index) @public  Insert widget to the list of widgets without adding it to the Panel.
$set(widget, index) @public  Set widget at index in the panel.
$remove(widget) @public  Remove widget from this Panel.
$remove(index) ZWT.Widget @public  Remove the widget at index from this Panel.
$clear() @public  Remove all widgets from this Panel.
$setStyle(widget, style) @public  Set the Style for Widget w, which must be in this Panel.
$setController(controller) @public  Set the controller for this Panel. Use NIL to detach the controller.
$getController() ZWT.I_Controller @public  Get the controller for this Panel, as previously set with setController. Can be NIL.
$getHighlighted() ZWT.Widget @public  Return the first highlighted item. NIL if there is none.
$getHighlightIndex() int @public  Return the index of the first highlighted item. -1 if there is none.
$getHightlightSet() set<int> @public  Return a set with indexes of all highlighted items. Empty set if there is none.
$setHighlightStyle(style) @public  Set the Style to be used for the highlighted item.
$setHighlighted(item) @public  Set the highlight to item. Remove highlight when item is NIL.
$setHighlighted(index) @public  Set the highlight to the item with index index.
$addHighlighted(index) @public  Highlight an item without removing any existing highlight.
$removeHighlight() @public  Remove highlighting from items, if there is any.
Inherited from ZWT.Widget:
$getParent() UIObject @public  Return the parent of this Widget.
$ToString() string @public  Returns "Widget". Should be replaced by subclasses.
$getText() string @public  Return the text of the Widget. NIL if there is none.
$setHoverText(text) ZWT.Widget @public  Set the text to be displayed on hover-over.
$getHoverText() string @public  Get the text to be displayed on hover-over.
$addToParent(parent) @public  Add this widget to parent.
$removeFromParent() @public  Remove this Widget from its parent.
$setHandler(eventType, handler) @public  Set handler as the only method to be invoked for eventType.
$addHandler(eventType, handler) @public  Add handler as a method to be invoked for eventType.
$setClickHandler(handler) @public  Set handler as the method to be invoked for a click event on this widget.
$setMouseOverHandler(handler) @public  Set handler as the method to be invoked when the mouse enters the area of this widget.
$setMouseOutHandler(handler) @public  Set handler as the method to be invoked when the mouse leaves the area of this widget.
$setKeyHandler(handler) @public  Set handler to be invoked when a key is typed in this widget.
$setKeyDownHandler(handler) @public  Set handler to be invoked when a key is pressed in this widget.
$setKeyUpHandler(handler) @public  Set handler to be invoked when a key is released in this widget.
$setActive(active) @public  Set whether the Widget handles click events.
$isActive() bool @public  Return whether the Widget was set to be active.
$setInactiveStyle(style) @public  Set the style to be used when the Widget is inactive.
Inherited from ZWT.UIObject:
ZWT.Element  $elem @public  The HTML element for this Item.
$setStyle(style) @public  Set the main Style for this UIObject to style.
$setStyleList(styles) @public  Set the list of Styles for this UIObject to styles.
$addStyle(style) @public  Add style to this UIObject, keeping previously set ones.
$removeStyle(style) @public  Remove style from this UIObject.
$getStyle() ZWT.Style @public  Return the main Style for this UIObject.
$getStyleList() list<ZWT.Style> @public  Return the list of Styles for this UIObject.
$getWidth() int @public  Return the width of the Element.
$getHeight() int @public  Return the height of the Element.
$getTop() int @public  Return the vertical position of the Element in the page
$getTop(container) int @public  Return the vertical position of the Element within container
$getLeft() int @public  Return the horizontal position of the Element in the page
$getLeft(container) int @public  Return the horizontal position of the Element within container
$setHidden(hidden) @public  Set the item to be hidden or displayed.
Known subclasses:

members (alphabetically)


PROC NEW() @default @replace @public


Create an empty CellPanel.

PROC $addItemStyle(ZWT.Widget item, ZWT.Style style) @public


Set the style for the item in the Panel.

This sets the style of the table cell TD. Especially useful for setting width or hight restrictions.

PROC $attach() @replace @public


Re-attach the contents to Panel. Only to be called after $detach().

PROC $detach() @replace @public


Detach the contents from Panel. Allows for faster updates.

Call $attach() after the contents has been changed.

PROC $removeItemStyle(ZWT.Widget item, ZWT.Style style) @public


Remove a style from an item in the Panel.

Opposite of $addItemStyle() width or hight restrictions.


      The Class hierarchy, generated Javascript and a few other things are based on the Google Web Toolkit. http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/overview.html


      Copyright 2009 Bram Moolenaar All Rights Reserved.

      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file or obtain a copy at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0