Last Change: 2015 Sep 29
This page contains both an informal explanation and a formal specification of
Zimbu Templates or ZUT.
Zimbu Templates contain HTML and CSS mixed with Zimbu commands and expressions. They result in HTML pages that can be interactively used in a browser.
Zimbu Templates can be used both on the server and in the browser. On the server they are compiled into efficient binary code. For the browser they are compiled into Javascript.
A Zimbu Template is specified in a ZUT file.
# Description of what this template is for. # Copyright, license. # Include another module. IMPORT Colors.zu # A module is used as a namespace for what follows. MODULE MyTemplate # Methods and declarations go here. # CSS that applies to all the templates below. CSS .hello { color: [=Colors.foreground]; # get color from imported module } } # This is a template that produces HTML. The syntax resembles a function # call, the return type specifies what it produces. # When this template is used, the CSS above will be automatically included. TEMPLATE message(string text) ZUT.Html <div class="hello"> [=text] # the text will be HTML-escaped </div> } }
A ZUT file is always UTF-8 encoded.
The file name must end in ".zut".
The file name up to ".zut" must match the module in the file.
This is the same as for a Zimbu file, see zimbu.html. Note that Tab characters are not allowed.
The ZUT file toplevel is equal to a Zimbu file for a module.
Inside the module there are two special items that do not appear in a Zimbu file: CSS and TEMPLATE.
The Zimbu-style comment, starting with # and continuing until the end of the line, can be used anywhere. They are stripped out before producing the generated CSS, HTML, et al.
To avoid # to be recognized as the start of a comment accidentally, it is required to have two spaces before it, or have the # appear as the first non-white character in the line. Additionally, a space must follow right after the #.
To insert a literal # in the html where it would be recognized as a comment use ["#"].
# Comment CSS # This is a comment, but the next line is not. #id { color: #555; # Note the two spaces before this comment } } TEMPLATE show(string text) ZUT.Html @public <div> # This is a comment. #Not a comment ["#"] Also not a comment </div> }
CSS and HTML comments can also be used where they are valid, these are kept in the generated CSS and HTML.
Some characters have a special meaning. To insert them literally use a [""] block. These characters need to be escaped:
} | ["}"] | end of a TEMPLATE |
[ | ["["] | start of a Zimbu statement or expression |
# | ["#"] | comment |
[" "] | space | |
["\n"] | line break |
Note how [}] differs from ["}"]. [}] is used as the end of a code block, it is part of the generated Zimbu statements. ["}"] inserts a literal }, it is part of the produced HTML.
Any text can be used inside the quotes, but it is best to only use it for special characters.
In many places white space is removed where it is not needed in the output. This applies to spaces and line breaks.
Usually the indent is dropped, allowing the templates to add indent to follow the element structure.
Trailing white space is removed before a Zimbu statement.
When white space is removed where it should be kept, use special character. For a single space: [" "]
A CSS block defines the Cascading Style Sheets used for the templates in this module. It ends at the matching }.
The syntax is just like a style tag in HTML, with the addition of the ZUT items in square brackets and the Zimbu style comments.
This block does not have arguments, since it's not called from code you write. It can use expressions that use variables in the module and any imported modules.
string myColor = "black" CSS .hello { color: [=myColor]; # uses the value of the myColor variable } }
When a template in the same ZUT file is used the nameless CSS block is automatically added to the page. On the server all the CSS of all the used templates is concatenated and results in one "style" element. In the browser every CSS block is added as a separate "style" element. Each CSS block is added only once.
CSS can also be produced with a TEMPLATE that returns ZUT.Css. This CSS is not automatically included, templates that use this CSS must explicitly state this with a CSS statement. Another difference with a CSS block is that arguments can be passed in.
TEMPLATE classColor(string name, string color) ZUT.Css @public .[=name] { color: [=color]; } } TEMPLATE titleDiv(string text, string color) ZUT.Html @public [ZUT.addCss("title/" .. color, classColor("title", color))] <div class="title"> [=text] </div> }
To include a CSS template where it is needed, use the ZUT.addCss method. This is the relevant line:
[ZUT.addCss("title/" .. color, classColor("title", color))]
The first argument is the name of the style element. If this name was encountered before the CSS will not be added again. In the example the name is the concatenation of the class name and the color value. If this combination is encountered a second time the style was already defined and will not be added again.
The name can be NIL to add the style unconditionally. Only do this for templates that are used once.
The second argument is an expression resulting in a ZUT.Css object, usually by invoking a template.
The ZUT.addCss method can be used in Zimbu code just like it is used here.
A TEMPLATE returning ZUT.Html defines a HTML template. The syntax is similar to a Zimbu method, with a name and arguments inside parenthesis, the return type followed by optional attributes. It ends at the matching }.
TEMPLATE show(string text) ZUT.Html @public <div class="hello"> [=text] </div> }
The syntax of the contents is just like HTML, with the addition of the ZUT items in square brackets, the Zimbu style comments, and the special meaning of "zcontroller" and "zaction" attributes.
The name of the template must start with a lower case letter, just like a Zimbu method.
The arguments are specified with their type. Optional arguments are allowed, again just like with Zimbu methods.
The returned ZUT.Html object is more or less a string with the produced HTML. The ZUT.Html type is used to have the compiler check for proper escaping.
The validity of the produced HTML is not verified. It is possible to have one HTML template that contains
An attributes template is like a HTML template, but instead of HTML elements it only contains the attributes for an HTML element. The return type is ZUT.Attributes.
This is useful to generate attributes that are added in multiple elements. Especially as used in the decorator of a controller.
TEMPLATE fancy() ZUT.Attributes @public class="fancy-text" }
A URL template is like a HTML template, but instead of HTML elements it only contains a URL. The return type is ZUT.Url.
This is useful to generate a URL that is used in another template.
TEMPLATE link(string domain, string path, string param) ZUT.Url @public [=domain]/[=path]?[=param] # Special characters will be Url-escaped. }
A text template is like a HTML template, but instead of HTML elements it only contains plain, unescaped text. The return type is string.
This is useful to generate text that is used in another template or as the value of a text area. The parameters do not get escaped.
TEMPLATE fancy(string title) string @public Title: [=title] # Special characters in |title| are not escaped. }
While other template types have escaping rules, the text template does not escape anything. The escaping will happen when using the result of the template in another template.
Keep in mind there also is no un-escaping. For example, when passing in a ZUT.Html argument it is turned into a string. If then using the result of the text template in another HTML template special characters will be escaped twice.
TEMPLATE titleHeader(ZUT.Html title) string Title: [=title] } TEMPLATE titleDiv(ZUT.Html title) ZUT.Html @public <div>[=titleHeader(title)]</div> }
If title is "this & that", when used as HTML it would be displayed as "this &that". When passed to the titleHeader template, it will return "this & that" as a text string, no escaping or un-escaping takes place. Inside titleDiv the result of titleHeader is a string, which will be escaped, resulting in "this & that", which shows up as "this & that"
A Javascript template is like a HTML template, but instead of HTML elements it only contains Javascript. The return type is ZUT.Javascript.
This is useful to generate a Javascript that is used in a <script> tag. Escaping makes sure that the script is not terminated early by a </script> end tag somewhere.
TEMPLATE onclick(string func, string arg) ZUT.Javascript @public [=func]([=arg]) # Special characters will be escaped. }
The context "ZUT.Context" is available with:
VAR context = CTX.get(ZUT.Context.Type())
On the server it provides information about the Http request. In the browser it provides information about the browser.
In CSS and TEMPLATE Zimbu statements can be used in square brackets. For example, to get a unique ID to use:
TEMPLATE message() ZUT.Html [string helloId = ZUT.uid()] <div id=[=helloId]>Hello!</div> }
It does not have to be a complete statement, it can also be one line of a multi-line statement. For example, an IF statement can be used to select what HTML to produce:
TEMPLATE message(bool useDiv) ZUT.Html [IF useDiv] <div>Hello</div> [ELSE] <span>Hello</span> [}] }
The template arguments can be used. Variable names starting with "zut" are reserved for internal use.
Although there are no restrictions on what statements you can use here, avoid putting to much functionality into the template. It is best restricted to calls invoking methods which are implemented in a Zimbu file.
In CSS and TEMPLATE blocks a ZUT expression can be used to insert the result of that expression. It has the form "[=expr]". The type of the result should be a string or a ZUT object. Other types are converted to a string by invoking their ToString() method.
Depending on the type and where it is used the proper escaping will be automatically performed. This prevents XSS security problems.
A typical form of such an expression is invoking a template. Example:
TEMPLATE button(bool big, string text) ZUT.Html @public [IF big] [=MyButtons.bigButton(text)] [ELSE] [=MyButtons.smallButton(text)] [}] }
Note that the expression is supposed to only contain text that is appropriate for the context. E.g., it should not start an element but not end it, or terminate a string. The escaping rules prevent this from happening.
Example that doesn't work:
TEMPLATE head() ZUT.Html <style> # this doesn't work } TEMPLATE tail() ZUT.Html </style> # this doesn't work } TEMPLATE whole(string myStyle) ZUT.Html [=head()] [=myStyle] [=tail()] }
The problem here is that where "text" is used we can't know we are in the style element, which requires different escaping.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities are a main cause for security problems in websites. This basically means that a hacker can inject code on a web page, using the users's authentication to steal information or even change it.
ZUT tries hard to avoid XSS by filtering out text that shouldn't be there and escaping text that might cause problems. This is similar to strict autoescaping in Google Closure templates.
The plain text in the template is not filtered or escaped. Thus you still have to make sure that this text is correct. What is escaped is what is inserted from expressions. How this happens depends on the context, where the expression is used, and on the result type of the expression.
The following sections list the filtering and escaping rules used for every known context, depending on the expression result type. Keep in mind that "string" is often used for a type that is not listed if the expression result is converted to a string with the ToString() method.
If the expression appears in a place that is not any of the mentioned contexts, then this is a compile time error.
The escaping rules themselves are explained in the next section.
Context | string | Html | Url | Attributes | Css | Javascript |
HTML | escape | as-is | escape | error | error | error |
HTML data | escape | escape | escape | error | error | error |
HTML tag name | escape | error | error | error | error | error |
HTML attributes | escape | error | error | as-is | error | error |
HTML attribute value | escape | error | escape | error | error | error |
HTML style attribute value | escape | error | error | error | escape | error |
HTML script attribute value | escape | error | error | error | error | escape |
HTML unquoted attribute value | escape | error | escape | error | error | error |
URL | escape | error | as-is or escape | error | error | error |
CSS | escape | error | error | error | as-is | error |
CSS string | escape | error | error | error | error | error |
CSS URL | escape | error | as-is or escape | error | error | error |
CSS comment | escape | escape | escape | escape | escape | escape |
Javascript | escape | error | error | error | error | as-is |
Javascript string | escape | error | escape | error | error | error |
Javascript comment | escape | escape | escape | escape | escape | escape |
"error" means that there will be a compile time error.
Expressions of type int and float are converted to string and handled like string.
Let's start with a very common context: In a HTML template, not inside a tag, inside a normal element.
TEMPLATE sections(SomeType here) ZUT.Html @public [=here] <div>or [=here]</div> <div>and [=here] too</div> }
Inside some elements, such as title, the HTML data context applies, see the next section.
Inside style elements the CSS context. applies.
Inside script elements the Javascript context. applies.
A string in HTML context uses the HTML-escape rule, so that the literal text will be displayed.
Any type not specifically recognized is converted to a string with the ToString() method. This allows for many objects to be displayed in a straightforward way. For example, if the "here" argument in the sections template above is a list of strings, it is displayed in the ["one", "two", "three"] form.
Since a ZUT.Html expression already is well-formed HTML, this is inserted as-is.
This is most likely a mistake in the template and results in a compilation error. If you really want to insert this expression, convert it to string. It will then be escaped and show up as text.
When a ZUT.Url is used where plain text is expected, we assume that the URL is the be displayed literally. Example:
TEMPLATE urlWithText(ZUT.Url url) ZUT.Html @public <a href="[=url]">[=url]</a> }
The first use of "url" is escaped so that it can be clicked on (see the attribute value context below), the second one uses the HTML-escape rule, so that it shows up literally.
Inside some HTML tags the rules are different.
TEMPLATE header(SomeType here) ZUT.Html @public <title>[=here]</title> # HTML-escape }
Although ZUT.Html is already proper HTML, the title element does not nest, therefore elements are escaped. This uses the HTML-data-escape rule.
Everything else is handled like HTML, see above.
This comes right after the < that starts an opening tag, the </ that starts a closing tag or the <! that is used for DOCTYPE:
TEMPLATE divOrSpan(string tagName) ZUT.Html @public <[=tagName]>some text</[=tagName]> <[=tagName] class="gold">some text</[=tagName]> }
The string is only accepted if it is a normal tag name, otherwise a ZUT.E_BadValue exeption is thrown. See the HTML-tagname-escape rule.
This is most likely a mistake in the template and resuls in a compilation error. If you really want to insert this expression, convert it to string first.
This is inside a tag, after the tag name:
TEMPLATE something(SomeType attributes) ZUT.Html @public <div [=attributes]>some text</div> <div class="nice" [=attributes]>some text</div> <div [=attributes] id="yes">some text</div> }
Note that it is not possible to use a Zimbu expression to set the attribute name. That is to avoid problems with escaping certain kinds of attributes.
Since a ZUT.Attributes expression already is well-formed Attributes, this is inserted as-is.
Strings undergo the HTML-attributes-escape rule, to make sure only valid attributes are inserted.
No other type makes sense here and results in a compilation error.
This is inside a tag, in the quoted argument of a normal parameter:
TEMPLATE something(string className) ZUT.Html @public <div class="[=className]">some text</div> <span class='[=className]'>some text</span> }
For the "style" parameter the HTML style attribute value context applies.
For the parameters that have a Javascript value the HTML script attribute value context applies.
The attribute name matters here. The escaping is different for URL attributes, such as "href", which use the URL-escape rule.
Otherwise, encodes all special characters and quotes, but not spaces. See the HTML-attr-value-escape rule.
The Url is used as a string and the escaped like a string. This prevents the special meaning of &, among others.
No other type makes sense here and results in a compilation error.
This is inside a style attribute of a tag. This requires both escaping for the style and the attribute value.
TEMPLATE something(string css) ZUT.Html @public <div style=[=css]>unquoted</div> <div style="[=css]">quoted</div> }
First applies the CSS-escape rule and then on top of that the HTML-attr-nospace-escape rule for an unquoted attribute or the HTML-attributes-escape rule for a quoted attribute.
Uses the properly formed CSS as-is, and applies the HTML-attr-nospace-escape rule for an unquoted attribute or the HTML-attributes-escape rule for a quoted attribute.
No other type makes sense here and results in a compilation error.
This is inside an attribute of a tag that uses Javascript, such as "onclick". This requires both escaping for the Javascript and the attribute value.
TEMPLATE something(string js) ZUT.Html @public <div onclick=[=js]>unquoted</div> <div onclick="[=js]">quoted</div> }
First applies the Javascript-escape rule. and then on top of that the HTML-attr-nospace-escape rule for an unquoted attribute or the HTML-attributes-escape rule for a quoted attribute.
Uses the properly formed Javascript as-is, and applies the HTML-attr-nospace-escape rule for an unquoted attribute or the HTML-attributes-escape rule for a quoted attribute.
No other type makes sense here and results in a compilation error.
This is inside a tag, in the argument of a parameter that is not quoted:
TEMPLATE something(string name) ZUT.Html @public <div id=[=name]>some text</div> }
Encodes all special characters and spaces with the Strings undergo the HTML-attr-nospace-escape rule, to make sure only one valid attributes value results.
The Url is used as a string and the escaped like a string. This prevents the special meaning of &, among others.
No other types make sense here and result in a compilation error.
The most common use is to insert a URL from a string. The whole URL will then be escaped in a way it won't be misinterpreted. It is also possible to build a URL from pieces.
The URL context is used for URL attribute in a HTML tag, such as "href", as well as for ZUT.Url templates.
TEMPLATE simpleLink(string url, string text) ZUT.Html @public <a href="[=url]">[=text]</a> } TEMPLATE flexiLink(string scheme, string domain, string path, string parameters, string fragment, string text) ZUT.Url @public [=scheme]//[=domain]/[=path]?[=parameters]#[=fragment] } TEMPLATE google(string query) ZUT.Html @public <a href="[=query]">[=query]</a> }
At the start, scheme names that are likely to cause problems, such as javascript:, cause a ZUT.E_BadValue exception to be thrown.
In most places the URL-escape rule is used.
For the parameter value, such as "query" in the third example, the URL-param-escape rule is used. All characters that are special in the value, such as "&" and "=" are also escaped.
The detection of using a Zimbu expression that contains a parameter value happens at runtime: If the generated URL is ending in "?name=", or "&name=" after finding a ?, and an expression follows. This allows for an expression at any point to start the parameters. For example:
TEMPLATE paramLink(string paramName, string paramValue) ZUT.Html @public <a href="localhost/path?[=paramName][=paramValue]">here</a> }
When this is invoked with:
MyTemplates.paramLink("q=", "it is true")
The result will be "<a href="localhost/path?q=it%20is%20true">here</a>".
Since ZUT.Url is already a well-formed URL, this is passed on as-is, except when used as a parameter value, then the URL-param-escape rule is used.
No other type makes sense here and results in a compilation error.
CSS is used inside a style element and a ZUT template returning ZUT.Css. It can also be used inside a style parameter of an HTML tag, with some restrictions.
TEMPLATE header(ZUT.Css css) ZUT.Html <style> [=css] </style> } TEMPLATE top(string color) ZUT.Css p { text-color: [=color]; } } TEMPLATE section(string style, string text) ZUT.Html <div style="[=style]">[=text]</div> }
A string is escaped with the CSS-escape rule. to make sure it does not terminate the style element prematurely.
A ZUT.Css object is properly formed and is passed on as-is.
No other type makes sense in CSS and result in a compilation error. Note that a URL must always be inside url(), See CSS URL
A CSS string can be single or double quoted.
TEMPLATE strings(string text) ZUT.Css single: '[=text]'; double: "[=text]"; }
Strings are escaped with the CSS-string-escape rule so that they are used literally.
No other type makes sense in a CSS string and results in a compilation error. Note that a URL must always be inside url(), See CSS URL
A CSS accepts a URL inside url(), with or without quotes:
TEMPLATE strings(string url) ZUT.Css h1 { background: url([=url]); } h2 { background: url('[=url]'); } h3 { background: url("[=url]"); } }
Strings are escaped with the URL-escape rule to ensure the result is a valid URL.
A ZUT.Url is already well-formed and will be inserted as-is when used without any prefix. It will be escaped when there is a prefix.
No other type makes sense in a CSS string and results in a compilation error.
A CSS comment must be a block comment.
TEMPLATE comments(string text) ZUT.Css /* [=text] */ }
Any type can be passed here, the CSS-comment-escape rule will be used.
Javascript code is used inside a script element and in handler attributes of elements, such as "onclick".
TEMPLATE error(int error, string varName) ZUT.Javascript alert('error ' + [=error]); [=varName] = false; }
A string is escaped with the Javascript-escape rule. This does not do much escaping, it does check for valid Javascript. Inside a script element it makes sure it does not terminate the script element.
Note that it is still very well possible to mess up the resulting Javascript, be careful!
A ZUT.Javascript object is properly formed and is passed on as-is.
No other type makes sense in Javascript and results in a compilation error.
A Javascript string can be single or double quoted. We also handle a regular expression like a string.
TEMPLATE strings(string text) ZUT.Javascript var single = '[=text]'; var double = "[=text]"; var regexp = /[=text]/; }
Strings are escaped with the Javascript-string-escape rule so that they are used literally.
A Url is converted to a string and escaped like a string. Specifically, when used in a regular expression slashes are escaped with a backslash.
No other type makes sense in a Javascript string and results in a compilation error.
A Javascript comment can be a line comment or a block comment.
TEMPLATE comments(string text) ZUT.Javascript // [=text] /* [=text] */ }
Any type can be passed here, the Javascript-comment-escape rule will be used.
This makes sure that any text is displayed as-is.
character | replacement | |
NUL | � | 0x00 |
& | & | |
" | " | double quote |
' | ' | single quote |
< | < | |
> | > | |
\n | <br> | a line break |
This makes sure that any text is displayed as-is, but keeps & characters and does not replace line breaks.
character | replacement | |
NUL | � | 0x00 |
" | " | double quote |
' | ' | single quote |
< | < | |
> | > |
This is used for title elements and HTML comments, when the contents comes from a ZUT.Html object.
This does not actually do escaping, but only lets through a valid tag name. Leading and trailing white space is removed.
Valid characters are ASCII letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.
An invalid tag name causes a ZUT.E_BadValue exception to be thrown.
The names "script", "style" and "title" are rejected, because these require different escaping, which could not be setup at compile time.
Changes & and control characters into the & form.
This escapes &, quotes an control characters into the & form. For CSS values this is on top of the CSS-escape rule. For Javascript values this is on top of the Javascript-escape rule.
Like HTML-attr-value-escape plus escaping spaces.
In a URL escaping happens by replacing a byte with its hexadecimal value, preceded by %. Thus = is replaced with %3D and % itself is replaced with %25.
All characters are escaped, except: "-_.!~*", all ASCII letters and digits, and the characters that are listed under URL-param-escape.
This is like URL-escape, but additionally these characters are escaped: ";,/?:@&=+$#".
This does not actually escape, but throws an ZUT.E_BadValue exception in the following cases:
This inserts a backslash before a backslash.
For a single quoted string single quotes are escaped with a backslash.
For a double quoted string double quotes are escaped with a backslash.
A line break is changed to "\a".
NUL characters are dropped.
This works the same as the Javascript-comment-escape rule
This does not actually escape, but throws an ZUT.E_BadValue exception in the following cases:
This inserts a backslash before a backslash.
For a single quoted string single quotes are escaped with a backslash.
For a double quoted string double quotes are escaped with a backslash.
For a regular expression slashes are escaped with a backslash.
A line break is changed to "\n".
NUL characters are dropped.
For a "//" comment after every line break "//" is inserted.
For a "/*" comment every "*/" is changed to "* /" (inserting a space).
NUL characters are dropped.
To make it easier to write HTML that interacts with the user a controller can be used. The name of the controller is put into the HTML with a "zcontroller" attribute. The element it is in and all its children are then considered to be under control of this controller.
TEMPLATE okButton() ZUT.Html <div zcontroller="OkController"> <button zaction="click: okClicked">OK</button> </div> }
Actions on elements are assigned to a controller with a "zaction" attribute. The ZUT system will intercept events, such as a mouse click, and find the matching "zaction". The specified method will then be invoked on the nearest controller, found upwards in the element tree.
When an action is recognized and the controller is indentified, the ZUT runtime code will instantiate a controller and invoke the specified action method. When a controller was previously created it will be re-used,
The controller code is compiled into Javascript. It is either included in the page, or loaded at a later time, latest when the controller is actually used.
The compiler will verify the action handler actually exists. Thus a missing action handler results in a compilation error.
The zcontroller attribute specifies the name of a class. That class must have been imported in the template. E.g., when using 'zcontroller="MyController"' there should be an 'IMPORT "MyController.zu"' statement (possibly with a path).
The zaction attribute is a comma separated list of items. Each item specifies an action type and the method to call. They are separted by a colon. For example, "mouseDown: down, mouseUp: up".
The list of action types:
click | a mouse click (triggers when the mouse button is released) |
doubleClick | two mouse clicks within a short time |
longClick | mouse click that takes long (about 2 seconds) |
mouseDown | pressing the mouse button |
mouseUp | releasing the mouse button |
mouseOver | when the mouse enters an element |
mouseOut | when the mouse leaves an element |
mouseMove | when the mouse moves inside an element |
key | key press and release (not for modifier keys) |
keyDown | a keyboard key press (also for modifier keys) |
keyUp | a keyboard key release (also for modifier keys) |
valueChange | the value of the element changed |
Note: Most actions will work on most browsers, but there can be slight differences, especially with older browsers.
The controller class must define the methods for the actions used. The method signature must be like this:
FUNC $clicked(ZUT.Event event) bool
The ZUT.Event contains all the relevant information about the event. For example, event.element is the HTML element where the event was detected.
The function must return TRUE if the event bubbles up. That means it is passed on to action handlers up in the DOM tree. If the function returns FALSE no other action handler will be invoked.
Keep in mind that the action methods are always executed in the browser, they are produced as Javascript.
The action method may in turn use a template to generate HTML and update the page to show it. See the zutdemo program for examples.
A controller can be instantiated many times, e.g. one for every button. It must then be able to know what button in the page it's controlling. A good practice is to use data attributes. These have the form "data-name", where "name" can be freely chosen.
Example ZUT template:
TEMPLATE demo(string text) ZUT.Html @public [string helloId = ZUT.uid()] <div zcontroller="MyController" zaction="click: clicked" data-id="[=helloId]"> [=text] </div> <div id="[=helloId]"></div> }
With this code in the action handler:
string id = ZUT.getAttribute(event.element, "data-id") callback<ZUT.HtmlFunc, string> cb = NEW(MyTemplate.message, "Hello World!") ZUT.fillElement(id, cb)
In this example, a unique ID is created with ZUT.uid(). It is used as the id in the element that needs to be changed. It is passed to the action handler with the "data-id" attribute on the element that is clicked on.
Copyright 2014 Bram Moolenaar All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. The License can be found it in the LICENSE file, or you may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.